Possible terrorist attack in Sandton

The US government issued a security alert on Wednesday, the 26th of October 2022, warning its embassy staff and citizens currently in South Africa about a possible terrorist attack in Sandton.  The timeframe is specific, Saturday the 29th of October, as is the specific area being Sandton, Johannesburg.  Although the minister in the Presidency has rejected the US government’s cautionary warning, I would recommend a risk response strategy to be considered by organisations, as it could not harm having the crucial conversations leading to knowing what to do when a situation is potentially violent and dangerous or could turn the same.

You may want to consider the following:

  • Stay clear of the identified area, in this case the Sandton area, specifically over the weekend of the 29th of October 2022.
  • The warning also identified the target not just being an area but also ‘large groups’ – needless to say, if you absolutely have to be in Sandton and surrounds during this time, avoid large groups.
  • Businesses in this area should strongly consider closing their businesses and inform employees, contractors and customers that access to the premises will be denied as there is a warning of clear and present danger that could result in possible violence and/or unrest.
  • Clear and timeous communication to all staff, contractors and clients/customers expressing your intent to shut down, the period you will be closed and guidance to ensure employees, contractors and customer can safely return as and when decided to do so.
  • If work has to continue, insist on virtual meetings minimising the need for travel at all over this time.
  • Continuously monitor social media platforms and news feeds for updates and adjust your risk response strategies accordingly.
  • Be aware of fake news at all times! Do not spread unvalidated news and advise staff accordingly to be cautious of what they share.  
  • Make sure that your crisis communication plan is updated and operational.
  • Make sure all employees are familiar with the company’s emergency and security plans. 
  • If you are situated in Sandton and surrounds, remain alert for any activity out of the ordinary and stay indoors.
  • Make sure you have the updated numbers for the security services and medical response units and test your alarm/panic systems.
  • For corporates, make sure that your security team/company is adequately briefed and prepared and have familiarised themselves with and tested their emergency and crisis response plans.

Please be reminded that this situation may also lead to unrest and/or looting irrespective whether the actual warning materialises.  Having your general emergency response plans and business continuity plans ready are recommended. Be safe!